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Cadex Electronics Inc.

Industry Leading Battery Analyzers, Testers,
Chargers & Maintenance Systems

For over 35 years, Cadex Electronics has been at the leading edge of battery technology. Serving customers in over 100 countries globally, their world-class team empowers local and global clients to achieve the most from their mobile power applications. Cadex technology and products, including custom battery packs, smart chargers, and advanced battery analyzers, optimize battery use in all phases of battery life cycle management, increase up-time and availability of critical equipment, and decrease operating costs. With headquarters in Vancouver and offices in Europe and Asia, Cadex Electronics makes battery systems more reliable.

Solutions & Services

  • Advanced Battery Testing
  • Battery Chargers
  • Battery Maintenance Systems
  • Conditioning Chargers
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Cadex is a technology provider in batteries, chargers, and diagnostics. They understand batteries and make them last longer.

Universal Conditioning Chargers

The Cadex Universal Conditioning Chargers (UCC) offer refinements usually not found on competitive chargers. The rugged design stands up to the critical demands of industrial users. Intelligent adapters allow simultaneous service of nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal-hydride and lithium-ion batteries on the same platform. A conditioning button conditions and calibrates batteries on demand, and a reverse-pulse charging prolongs battery life.

Battery Analyzers

The Cadex C7000 Series battery analyzers offer a platform that fulfills virtually all battery testing and conditioning needs. With features such as QuickSort™ that checks lithium-ion batteries in 30 seconds, and Boost that revives dead packs, the C7000 truly masters battery testing.

Battery Maintenance Systems

Whether you are managing a fleet of radios or warehouse scanners, or ensuring that your medical equipment is always ready, a complete battery maintenance system is critical to your success.

Advanced Battery Testing Systems

The Cadex C8000 delivers the versatility needed to ensure you get the right performance from the batteries used in your applications. The C8000 is a multi-purpose tool that allows you to optimize batteries at every stage of product life

Storefront Battery Testing Systems

Batteries are blamed for most cell phone problems. The Cadex C5100 battery tester solves this problem by evaluating the pack at storefront, giving the customer a clear assessment of battery performance. Testing cell phone batteries has never been so easy.

Rapid Battery-Testers

The Spectro CA-12 Series is the first hand-held battery tester that reads reserve capacity (RC), CCA, and state-of-charge (SoC) in a single, non-invasive 15-seconds test. The instrument is based on multi-model electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (Spectro™). The Spectro CA-12 DC makes the technology portable, affordable and simple to use.

Battery Chargers

Our battery chargers offer refinements usually not found on competitive chargers. The rugged designs stand up to the critical demands of industrial users. Intelligent adapters allow simultaneous service of nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal-hydride and lithium-ion batteries on the same platform.

Cadex’s has developed several technologies to rapid-test rechargeable batteries. The dedicated R&D team continues to enhance current methods and explore new ways.

The present and emerging technologies are:


Sorts single-cell Li-ion batteries into GOOD, LOW and POOR in 30 seconds. Classified pass/fail determines the usability in mobile phones and other devices.


Based on multi-model electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (Spectro™), Spectro™ estimates the capacity, CCA and state-of-charge of lead acid batteries in 15 seconds with the help of a matrix.

Our Patents

Cadex Electronics has been issued a number of patents and trademark applications worldwide.